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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

ANWR - The Band

Yes, it's true. I recently discovered there's a rock band called ANWR. They're based in Anchorage, and they appear to be drilling supporters. Arctic Power, the oil industry lobbying group, is described as being among the inspirations for the group's formation. And the band lists both Arctic Power and Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski among their "friends."

On the band's website, you can listen to an .mp3 sample of their song "Drilling -- Yes or No." Despite the group's affiliation, the lyrics are somewhat ambiguous. Here's a sample:

Drilling issues we’ve gotta face
We’re divided in the race
From this point where does it go
Is it Drilling - Yes or No

Now the facts are all in
We’ll all lose or win
Hear the voice
Of the people call
Let’s decide to break down the wall
Cause united we stand - divided we fall

Our world resource is running dry
America’s future looks to you and I
To make the choice - To Drill The Land
Again united we must stand

Dunno if this group is still around. They claimed to have a new album ready for release last summer, tentatively titled, yes, "Drill", but their website looks like it hasn't been udpated in some time.