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Friday, May 13, 2005

Whistleblower's website back online

The website set up several years ago by Chuck Hamel, a former North Slope oil industry employee turned whistleblower, appears to be back online after quite a long period of dormancy.

The site (no relation to this blog), contains hundreds of links to Hamel's whistleblowing activities in the 2001 to 2002 period, in which he revealed numerous worker-safety and environmental violations. But it does not appear to be updated with his more recent activity, some of which we reported recently. It does not even reflect the fact that Alaska now has a new governor.

Even so, it's good to see more signs that Hamel and his supporters are getting active again. He has proven to be adept at getting the mainstream media (and, thus, the public) to pay attention to the realities of arctic oil drilling. I have put in a request to interview Hamel in hopes of learning more about what he's up to.

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